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St. Stephen's Catholic Church
Croghan, NY
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Permanent Deacon
July-August 2024
Pastoral & Finance Council
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Liturgical Ministries Schedule
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Opportunities to Serve Parish
Events & News
Ministry Opportunities
Faith Formation
Youth Ministry
Music Ministry
Opportunities to Serve Parish
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How can I get involved with service at St. Stephen's Parish?
Are you interested in using your talents to serve the Parish as a Liturgical Minister or in some other capacity? If so, please contact the Pastor or the Parish Office at 315-346-6958.
You can also fill out this form to express interest in serving and someone will be in contact with you with more information and to discuss the criteria/training required for each. Thank you in advance for your interest in serving your Parish.
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I am interested in learning more about and possibly participating in the following Liturgical Ministries.
Altar Server
I am interested in learning more about becoming an Altar Server.
Altar servers assist the presider and the whole worship community in the prayerful celebration of the Eucharist. Altar servers function as Cross Bearers and Acolytes, assisting the presider and other liturgical ministers with the sacred vessels, the presentation of the gifts, and the use of the Sacramentary .
Eucharistic Minister
I am interested in learning more about becoming a Eucharistic Minister
Members of this Ministry assist the Priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during the celebration of the Mass. Ministers who have received additional training also bring Holy Communion to the homebound and persons in need.
I am interested in learning more about becoming a greeter
Parish Greeters are the first to provide welcome and hospitality to all who enter St Stephen’s Church. Parish Greeters arrive 15 minutes prior to Mass to greet parishioners. They present the offertory gifts and distribute the parish bulletin after Mass. Parish Greeters are present at weekly and other special services/celebrations.
I am interested in learning more about becoming a Lector
The Lector proclaims the Word of God through the reading of Scripture at Mass and at other Liturgical services/celebrations. In this ministry we are able to publicly witness our faith, and to come to know the Word of God more deeply. This ministry is open to parishioners who have the gift of a good speaking voice and are at least 16 years of age.
Music Ministry
I am interested in learning more about participating in Music Ministry
Parishioners who have interest in music and who would like to participate with other Music Ministers and share their gifts with the community at liturgical celebrations are invited.
At St. Stephen’s, the music ministry teams lead the musical praise and thanksgiving at the Saturday evening and Sunday morning liturgies as well as other special events/ liturgical celebrations. A Music Ministry leader will be in contact to discuss how new members can integrate into our Music Ministry.
Liturgy of the Word with Children ( 8:30 am Mass only)
I am interested in assisting with Liturgy of the Word with Children at the Sunday 8:30 am Liturgy
Ministers of Liturgy of the Word with Children work in pairs with children dismissed from the congregation during the Liturgy of the Word to break open the word using age appropriate materials. Children return to the congregation at the conclusion of the Homily.
I am interested in learning more about becoming an Usher
Ushers provide welcome, hospitality, and general assistance to parishioners. Ushers arrive 15 minutes prior to Mass are available for seating people if needed, and take care of the offertory collection. Ushers are present at weekly Masses and other special services/ celebrations
My Weekend Mass Time Preference is
Saturday 5 pm
Sunday 8:30 am
No preference
Other Parish Ministries/Services
Please indicate your interest in assisting in the following.
Altar Linen Care
I am interested in assisting with Altar Linen Care
Parishioners who volunteer to participate in the Altar Linen Care Ministry maintain and launder the altar linens.
Arts & Environment
I am interested in assisting with Arts & Environment
Parishioners who volunteer to participate in the Art and Environment Ministry decorate, arrange, and care for the floral arrangements and plants used in the church, Sanctuary and Chapel.
Building & Grounds
I am interested in assisting with Building and Grounds
I am interested in serving as a Catechist
I am interested in serving as an aide/assistant
Homebound Visitation
I am interested in assisting with Homebound Visitation
Hospitality (Funeral Luncheons)
I am interested in assisting with Funeral Luncheons
The Hospitality Committee supports families at the time of loss by offering to organize and provide a luncheon in the parish hall after a funeral mass/service or burial. The on-going generosity of families served and the continued support of parishioners who donate their time, food and supplies make it possible for this parish tradition to continue. Volunteers will be contacted by team leaders to assist at luncheons.
Money Counter
I am interested in learning more about assisting with counting money
Money Counters assist the parish with weekly counting of the parish collection and help to properly maintain correct procedures to secure parish deposits in a confidential manner. Money Counters are invited and approved by the Pastor.
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